Configuring SRK


SRK relies on a number of runtime files to operate. It also needs somewhere to store generated intermediate files. The ./runtime directory can be used for this purpose or you can use the script to copy the needed files to a global location (e.g. ~/.srk). Wherever this directory is, you must inform SRK of it using the SRKHOME environment variable. If this is not set, SRK will use ./runtime which will only work if you call srk from the repositories root directory. SRKHOME should be an absolute path.

We recommend adding SRKHOME to your .bashrc (or equivalent) and placing the srk binary on your PATH (either by moving it somewhere or adding the srk repository to your PATH).

Configuration Files

Configuration of SRK is handled by a configuration file. This file is typically in yaml format, but SRK can handle the following formats as well: JSON, TOML, YAML, HCL, INI, envfile and Java Properties files. SRK will look for a config file at $SRKHOME/config.yaml (“.yaml” can be replaced with any of the support file format suffixes).

Configuration Options


This section contains descriptions of individual services, organized by service category.




OpenLambda (OL) is an open source FaaS service that is built on Docker. OL is relatively easy to get up and running locally or in a small cluster. Because it is open source, it is a good target for experimenting FaaS features or modifications.


SRK uses a fork of OpenLambda to get a few additional features. Make sure you use this fork instead of the upstream version (for now).


SRK’s OL wrapper needs to know which binary to invoke when interacting with a local instance. Download and compile OL locally and then set this option to the path to the ol binary.


OL uses a local directory to register functions and provide runtime files. You can create this directory in OL by running ./ol new (which creates the directory default-ol by default). SRK needs to know where this is in order to register new functions.


This is the Amazon Web Services implementation of function-as-a-service. This service will register and launch your functions in the public cloud (with all associated costs).


This is your ‘arn’ role within Amazon. You can see details in Amazon’s Documentation.


If you would like to use a custom vpc for your functions, you can configure that here. If you don’t know what this is, you can leave it as null and SRK will use Amazon’s default behavior.


This section provides global behaviors for all FaaS implementations. Note that some implementations may not support all options. There are currently no global options.


A provider aggregates at most one instance of each service category. You can think of the provider as complete cloud environment. SRK defines two default providers (‘aws’ and ‘local’), but users are encouraged to implement their own as needed. A provider entry takes the form:

   objStore: OBJ_SERVICE


Users may define as many providers as they want, but only one provider may be active at a time. The default-provider option specifies which provider SRK should use when running commands.